WRNMMC Fisher House

Several years ago the Walter Reed Society expanded its mission to assist other non-profits in the
National Capital Region (NCR). In an effort to accomplish this, the WRS Board reached out to
the Fisher Houses in the NCR. The Fisher House Foundation builds comfort homes where military and veteran families can stay free of charge, while a loved one is in the hospital. These homes are located at military and VA medical centers around the world. Each Fisher House has a number of private suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a dining room, and an inviting living room. The Fisher House Foundation builds each house on federal government property and operates it for a year; the house is then turned over the government to be funded and operated; each house then competes for federal funds within their overseeing agency.
To support the Fisher Houses, the Society recently purchased three clothes washers and dryers
for the Fisher Houses at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.